Single Adult Ministry
Single Adult Ministry.
R.I.S.E.N. – Redeemed, Righteous, Radical, Inspired Singles Enriching Nations.
Mission Statement – to meet the Spiritual, emotional and social needs of our singles, and to facilitate and disciple singles toward the path of Holiness and Wholeness. To go into all the world preaching the Gospel and transforming Singles for Christ.
Vision Statement: is that of our Bishop’s…John Cummings and our Church.
Our vision is wrapped up in his.
To restore backsliders.
To win the lost and reach the World with the Gospel of Peace.
To see the gifts of the Spirit in operation in the Church.
Our Goals:
To bring redemption to lost singles.
To restore, disciple, encourage and foster Holiness and Wholeness among our Singles.
To prepare Singles for service…’The Great Commission’.
To foster and enhance the Spiritual, emotional and financial growth of our Singles.
To teach our Singles that before marriage, God has to become their First Husband.
To prepare those that are called to be married for marriage, and those that are called to be single for such.
To address the manifold and multifarious challenges of our Singles.